Seguin SDA Church

A fellowship of believers seeking a forever friendship with Jesus Christ


Welcome to the Seguin SDA Church in Seguin, TX. We are a worldwide Christian community enjoying a local country town fellowship, seeking a forever friendship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  I invite you to fellowship with us and join our family. To learn more about what we believe you can visit our About Us page. Please join us for Bible study, Worship, Prayer, and Fellowship.

Pastor, Kasper Haughton Sr.
Seguin SDA Church


Join Us This Saturday
Service times:
English Sabbath School Bible Study: 11:00 am
English Worship Service: 12:10 pm


Servicios en Español
Estudio Bíblico de la Escuela Sabática: 9:30 am
Culto de Adoración: 10:30 am